Wednesday, 18 February 2009


I have somehow stumbled upon discovery of the lonely, single adult life. Feel a bit like Bridget Jones. Since my mother inflicted the new rule 'no more going out until your art coursework is finished' I've been waking up every day to an empty and silent house. First of all it was brilliant, playing music excessively loud and dancing around the kitchen whilst I cook myself glorious meals. Now sadly I have come to realise that I must rely on myself, as to my furious anger this morning I discovered there was no milk left in the fridge to even make myself a bloody coffee. After scrounging around the house searching for money I discovered a crumpled fiver in my brother's bedroom and decided to cycle down to the shops in my pajamas. Then I remembered how embarrassed I was yesterday when someone said to me "saw you yesterday, walking your dog in your pajamas". OH GREAT, its like being bloody celebrity spotted wearing no makeup with messy undone hair. Whipped on some trackies, then said FUCK CYCLING when I couldnt find the key to the shed anywhere. During the walk down I was listening to a real good band called WHITE FLIGHT, check them out here. Bought a cheeky little Freddo whilst I was in Londis, why the hell have they increased in price by 5p? Everything is gonna get worse in England. Give it a year and I bet you Freddos will be 30p which is appalling. At the counter Mr Patel asks me 'are you getting bored of sitting at home all day?'. Woah woah woah, don't go throwing too many accusations around there sir. How does he know I currently don't have a life? Maybe its the dirty baggy jumper and no makeup look I've gone for. Or maybe he just mistook me for my little brother again. No I shan't be coming into your shop again. 
Get home and alas my cleaner Haitini is here, what a beautiful lovely little Thai lady. She laughs at me and says 'I see you walking back from shop, you look very miserable'. GOD BLESS. Am spending my days painting Georgia O-Keefe style flowers and getting really into VAMPIRE WARS on facebook. Yeah that's right, I'm kicking some vampire ass, level 9 already. This week will get better I'm sure.

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