I've got a mixCD up, download here if you're into chillwave, hip hop, alt, electro, etc. You might like it. Feel free to give feedback.
Is it wrong to not care about an education? Terribly. Yet, I have ungracefully slipped into the routine of nonchalantly 'not giving a fuck'. Since joining my new college this lifestyle has become all too easily accessible. Lost all inspiration for art. Psychology is a 'drag'. Media Studies is just for a laugh seemingly. Admittedly I am still retaining a lust for English Literature. I'll grasp a hold of that for a while but even so I have become paranoid and fearful that my skills in that are slowly disintegrating. Every spelling error I commit pangs ever so slightly on my aching heart strings.
So I tried to figure out why things had got this way. I noticed it wasn't happening just to me but to a lot of teenagers around me.
I realised I may just spend the majority of my life metaphorically surfing about this thing. Not even getting worn out or tired. Feeling content with slouching in bed with my laptop upon my knees, lazily refreshing social network sites just incase something funny/interesting has appeared. I think the click of the refresh button is something most people are so used to doing they have completely disregarded it. SO SHIT. Why am I wasting my time away? Yeah, I also use my computer for a lot of good things; I am constantly finding new music and I update my Itunes with at least three new albums a day nowadays. I read some good articles every now and then, find out some 'cool' news on twitter, learn a whole lot by accident and yeah streaming south park episodes in bed aint too bad. But seriously; what the fuck happened to 'reality'? I barely read anymore. I get in from college and flit in between being on my laptop, eating, drinking coffee and watching eastenders until at least 1AM, where I am part of a vast amount of people with school the next morning, who are choosing the internet over sleep and their school work. I guess I can kinda feel the life being sucked out of me. I want to try and imagine a world where every average teenager in an MEDC wasn't glued to their personal computer but I really can't.
Sure it is a little embarrassing that I give up so much of my personal time to the deep vortex of the internet that sometimes I prefer it to real life. But I am openly admitting it because I know I am not the only one.
I'm 'not being funny' but Facebook has actually begun seriously destroying the nation's education. We are the teenage era of the internet. Try to imagine where we will be in 20 years time from now. If I live that long, I will not be surprised if all lessons are held on the internet. I am also interested in the IQ statistics for the upcoming years. Ugh. Society is terrible. Modern life is rubbish. Although now I have been born into the 21st century I cannot quite possibly comprehend life without this level of technology; I well and truly wish I had been born at least 40 years earlier. Every single day.
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